Monday, December 28, 2009

This Christmas...

This was the best Christmas EVER!!! Sometimes we take so much for granted and expect so much and sometimes so little that we don't see the joy in the little things. This Christmas was so exciting because it was our first one as a family (meaning my boyfriend, our son, and I). I think it was special because everything was from the heart! Who knew such tiny treasures could bring such large pleasures?
My son really enjoyed EVERY gift he was given and we really enjoyed watching him open and play with them. Of course we exchanged gifts and I got some things I wasn't expecting at all (not a ring though hint hint lol). But I feel as though our family is truly blessed considering the test and trials we were faced with this year. It was truly difficult to start the year with a new baby and I lose my job. Living on one income unexpectedly surely took some getting adjusted to and budgeting really stepped in.
We both have faith and believe that God will make a way. We just put our full trust in the Lord and knew everything would be alright. If we had listened to comments and negative thoughts from those on the outside we would probably be without. Thank God for showing us only HIS will be done. How did you enjoy your Christmas?
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